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October 13 th, 2024 (28 Sunday Ordinary B)

Dear brothers and sisters,

Christ is calling us today to a choice to follow him or the world. To truly leave everything and follow Christ is to have found wisdom. As the first reading says, for the one who has found wisdom it is better than scepter or throne and all riches or gold are nothing compared with her. Christ today offers this invitation to this rich young man of the Gospel. Christ like to this young man offers us his wisdom today and is calling us to follow him abandoning all our riches. To acquire wisdom there is in fact only one way, Christ shows us. It is to despise money and the love for the world. This gives us true discernment. When you do not possess anything you are truly free, and you can finally depend and lean on God and see how he provides. If we constantly lean on money and riches, we never in the end lean and put our trust totally in God. Christ is in fact the biggest treasure and richness we can have. To truly have discernment we need to be free from the world and the love of money. If not, we would be like a sparrow that is tied down to the ground by a string and it cannot fly free. Love for riches and the world take away all our discernment making us heavy and stuck to the ground unable to move and follow Christ to whatever he calls us. They both tie us down to the ground and do not allow us to fly freely following God and Jesus Christ. If we are free with money and from the love of this world God can give us the grace to follow him in giving our life. For everything we leave behind God will give us a hundred-fold in everything: mother, father, children, brothers, sisters, lands, with persecution and eternal life in the life to come.

Peace, Fr. Nicholas, Pastor